Effect of the parameters of the annular valve on the processes of suction and injection of reciprocating compressors
Ensuring efficient and reliable operation of gas distribution systems of piston machines is one of the most
important problems in design, manufacturing and operation of compressor equipment. Self-acting valves
have a significant impact on the efficiency and reliability of a reciprocating compressor. The task of
designing and calculating valves is to find the optimal parameters providing minimal pressure losses when
the gas flows through the valve and its high reliability. The theoretical study of the operation of a ring valve
with several locking elements is performed at different values of spring stiffness and maximum valve travel.
Dependences of pressure losses in a suction and discharge valve and the diagram of movement of valve
plates depending on the angle of the crankshaft rotation and variable parameters of the valves are given. The
study was carried out using a numerical experiment on a specially developed computer program with the
possibility of multiparameter calculation.