Year: 2013 Issue: 2 (171)
31848 329020

Russian Academy of Engineering at the present stage

  • 399
  • 6343
  • Pages: 10-16

On the contribution of the Polytechnic University of complex defenses Saint-Petersburg flood

  • 478
  • 6649
  • Pages: 17-24

The restructuring of the polytechnic university

  • 366
  • 6394
  • Pages: 25-30

Becoming of the Joint Science and Technology Institute

  • 480
  • 6706
  • Pages: 31-37

From «Ariabady» before the flight to Mars

  • 440
  • 6364
  • Pages: 38-43

Resource adequacy analysis as a pressing problem of progress of russian power networks

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 840
  • 7306
  • Pages: 42-51

Differets forms of steam turbines blades flutter and methods of flutter prevention

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 7
  • 5881
  • Pages: 52-60

The effect of electromagnetic effects on performance and characteristics of motor vehicle fuel combustion engines

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 1147
  • 7573
  • Pages: 61-67

Automated control system coolant flow for heat group consumer

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 637
  • 6791
  • Pages: 68-72

Features of computer optimization of gas turbine flow areas with sliding of rotors

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 727
  • 6870
  • Pages: 73-79

Methodological issues for evaluating effectiveness district heating systems

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 524
  • 6443
  • Pages: 80-84

The hydraulic resistances in the rectangular cross-section channels with crossed ribs

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 1159
  • 7909
  • Pages: 85-94

Requirements for protective devices neutral power transformers 6–35 kV

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 903
  • 7081
  • Pages: 95-101

Research technology receipt of cathode material Li[2]FeSiO[4]

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 800
  • 7366
  • Pages: 102-108

The effect of cooling speed by technological thermal cycling on the long-term strength of cast heat-resistant alloy 45Cr26Ni33Si2Nb2

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 688
  • 7141
  • Pages: 109-119

Research phase formation in Fe-Ni system by mechanical alloying

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 453
  • 6729
  • Pages: 120-124

Structure features of the metal welded by electron beam welding of dissimilar materials

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 1291
  • 7839
  • Pages: 125-132

The effect of carbon steel (types steel C1020) AND stainless steel (types steel 321) oxidation technique on the porosity of oxide coatings

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 1011
  • 7131
  • Pages: 133-137

Thermodynamics of interaction of iron oxides with graphite taking into account  the changing of wustite composition with temperature in the temperature range 900–1600 K

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 430
  • 6386
  • Pages: 138-145

Structure formation in austenitic steels under forging in open stamps

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 757
  • 6781
  • Pages: 146-150

Hydrogen generation at interaction of powders of metals and aluminum-magnesium system alloys with water, acid and alkaline solutions

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 807
  • 6910
  • Pages: 151-157

Some regularities of formation of silicon dioxide nanoparticles in low temperature atmospheric pressure plasma

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 650
  • 6752
  • Pages: 158-164

Polyurethane – structural material of xxi century

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 1163
  • 7414
  • Pages: 165-170

The study skews of metal constructions of cranes overhead type

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 424
  • 6536
  • Pages: 171-176

Internal combustion engines with increased expansion ratio of explosive mixture

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 410
  • 6485
  • Pages: 177-181

Assessment of the strength of construction materials founded in the phase of homogeneous destruction

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 567
  • 6576
  • Pages: 182-187

The thermodynamic identity and equation nonisothermal filtration in porous medium isotropic

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 664
  • 6803
  • Pages: 188-192

Remarks to the hydraulic centrifugal casting pipes

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 471
  • 6450
  • Pages: 193-196

High performance measurement reference objects in space to the hydraulic centrifugal casting pipes

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 433
  • 6638
  • Pages: 197-202

Verification test results of complex technical systems

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 513
  • 6484
  • Pages: 203-210

Improvement technology consumable electrode welding

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 584
  • 6449
  • Pages: 211-215

Experimental study of freezing of sandy ground in equilibrium and disequilibrium conditions

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 571
  • 6597
  • Pages: 216-220

Computational models of contact interaction and destruction of deformable bodies using the contact finite elements

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 539
  • 6615
  • Pages: 221-225

The modern quantitative shadow method based on the application of the computer technology

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 1618
  • 8259
  • Pages: 226-230

Arrays of silicon nanocrystals in SiO[2] matrix: structure and luminescent properties

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 322
  • 6403
  • Pages: 231-237

Modular elaboration of children furniture for preschool educational institutions

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 488
  • 6469
  • Pages: 238-242

The use of fuel oil emulsion for the power installations on enterprises

Nature Management
  • 651
  • 6792
  • Pages: 243-247

The cooperative nature of generation perоxy compounds for radiolizis of the aqueous solutions uranils

Nature Management
  • 492
  • 6522
  • Pages: 247-260

Factors and mechanisms of mass panic in emergencies

Technosphere Safety
  • 822
  • 7735
  • Pages: 261-267

Problems security and protection in emergency situations of economic facilities

Technosphere Safety
  • 574
  • 6844
  • Pages: 268-276

A.V.  Effects of watercourses on the condition of motor road (illustrated Smolensk region)

Technosphere Safety
  • 449
  • 6445
  • Pages: 277-280

About quantitative indicator of danger man-made accidents

Technosphere Safety
  • 677
  • 7238
  • Pages: 281-288

Development of a system to support a decision to assess the risk of accidents on potentially hazardous installations

Technosphere Safety
  • 1228
  • 7649
  • Pages: 289-299

The development of educational standards, Saint-Petersburg state polytechnic university as the implementation of the program of development of Russian Education for the years 2013-2020

Educational issues
  • 391
  • 6227
  • Pages: 300-308

Innovational aspects of foreign language teaching content in modern university (project IELTS)

Educational issues
  • 532
  • 6733
  • Pages: 309-315

The content of the fundamental engineering education at the institute of energy and transport systems SPbSPU

Educational issues
  • 583
  • 6911
  • Pages: 316-321

New technologies of computer science in the curriculum department of information and control systems SPbSPU

Educational issues
  • 987
  • 7513
  • Pages: 322-331

A method for the analysis of physics aptitude test results for students admission to the military training department of Saint-Petersburg state polytechnic university

Educational issues
  • 697
  • 6888
  • Pages: 332-335