Year: 2012 Issue: 2 (147) , Part 2
16 336063

Speech of the president of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin at General meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  • 0
  • 5994
  • Pages: 9-12

Experience of space exploration by the people’s republic of China

  • 0
  • 6232
  • Pages: 13-21

Some milestones of creation and development of nuclear energy Ship (Recollections, Impressions, Reflections)

  • 0
  • 6108
  • Pages: 22-33

Thermodynamic and kinetic treatment of the potential of sinking

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 0
  • 6795
  • Pages: 34-40

The basic ways of profitability improuvement of gas and air installations

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 0
  • 6285
  • Pages: 40-47

Mathematical modeling of conjugate  heat transfer in system with radiation heat source

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 0
  • 6670
  • Pages: 48-53

Development of microprocessor-based probatory-diagnostic  complex for power system relay protection and automation facilities

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 0
  • 6363
  • Pages: 53-58

he accounting of additional volumes in calculations of  a cycle of Schmidt

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 0
  • 6254
  • Pages: 59-62

The algorithm of arrangement reactive power sources in complex power system

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 0
  • 6586
  • Pages: 62-70

Methods exergic life cycle analysis of energy objects

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 0
  • 6851
  • Pages: 70-77

Effect of flatness elements of performance lifting thin-wall structures

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 0
  • 6622
  • Pages: 78-81

Calculation of the number of workers at the site of grain diamond grinding wheel contact with  the surface of the workpiece

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 0
  • 6462
  • Pages: 81-85

Investigation and analysis of possibilities of various control  systems for spindle hydrostatic bearings of the heavy machine tools

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 0
  • 6455
  • Pages: 85-91

Using features of face mills with fibrous concrete cases

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 0
  • 6413
  • Pages: 92-95

Design dry gas seals taking into account features of their operation in centrifugal chargers natural gas

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 0
  • 6250
  • Pages: 95-104

Poliching alloyed steels in non-toxic electrolyte at high  voltage

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 0
  • 6329
  • Pages: 105-108

Predesign of the scheme of management by flows of orders  on printing production

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 0
  • 6255
  • Pages: 108-112

Development of balanced manipulator for repair forest machines

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 0
  • 6380
  • Pages: 112-116

Mathematical model of cutting ability of diamond circles at grinding preparations  from firm fragile materials

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 0
  • 6351
  • Pages: 116-121

Thermal efficiency of the adiabatic twincharged internal combustion engine cycle

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 1
  • 6556
  • Pages: 121-127

Development cryogenic high nitrogen austenitic powder steel  with nanocrystalline structure

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 0
  • 6640
  • Pages: 128-132

Technology for cold bending pipe longitudinal method of rolling

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 0
  • 6185
  • Pages: 132-136

Research of wear resistance of the composite  covering «ПК40Х2» put with a method of an electrocontact pripekaniye

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 0
  • 6619
  • Pages: 136-139

Receiving of the x-ray pure monocrystal nickel sulfate hexahydrate

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 0
  • 6878
  • Pages: 139-143

Prospects of development of power supplies of arc welding for domestic shipbuilding

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 0
  • 6686
  • Pages: 144-150

Viscoplastic properties of chromium-nickel  steel with the ever growing and a constant load. Part 1

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 0
  • 6795
  • Pages: 151-160

Theoretical analysis of heat transfer processes during spot stir welding

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 0
  • 6333
  • Pages: 160-163

Numerical simulation of heat and mass transfer in cylinders  of external heat supply

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 0
  • 6359
  • Pages: 164-167

Development the mathematical model of autonomous heating system based on heat pump

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 0
  • 6531
  • Pages: 167-172

Computer simulation of combining of static loading and  impulse loading under forming of sheet metal by mobile medium

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 0
  • 6449
  • Pages: 172-176

Calculation methods of a drawing vortex glow-stabilizing  module turbines

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 0
  • 6320
  • Pages: 176-180

Organize by multiple criteria orders through preferences neuronet  sorting solution

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 0
  • 6398
  • Pages: 181-184

Modeling of energy-efficient part of the wind flow over short time intervals

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 0
  • 6285
  • Pages: 185-188

The fire escape chutes efficiency analytical estimation while liquidation  of emergency situations

Technosphere Safety
  • 0
  • 6494
  • Pages: 190-195

Numerical assessment of formation of conditions of  atmospheric formation of sulfuric acid around the arrangement of thermal power plant

Technosphere Safety
  • 0
  • 6329
  • Pages: 195-200

The technique of detection and correction of interruptions out of the protocol in networks  of data transmission of divisions of government fire service ministry of emergency situations of Russia

Technosphere Safety
  • 0
  • 6452
  • Pages: 200-204

About destruction of concrete dams on the soft basis

Technosphere Safety
  • 0
  • 6524
  • Pages: 205-209

Principles and methods of improving  protectability of control systems of critical facilities

Technosphere Safety
  • 0
  • 6544
  • Pages: 209-225

Processes of information exchange in data transmission networks on the  basis of field tyres

Technosphere Safety
  • 0
  • 6947
  • Pages: 225-228

Laboratory research  of waste decomposing in bioreactors for assessment of biogas potential and choice of measures for aftercare  phase

Nature Management
  • 0
  • 6636
  • Pages: 229-235

Heatmasstransfer in sea water desalination  systems with solar heater

Nature Management
  • 0
  • 6804
  • Pages: 236-240

Development of scientific bases of rational design of devices of gas cleaning

Nature Management
  • 0
  • 6500
  • Pages: 240-245

Research of structure and properties anode materials for lithium-ion polymer  batteries received from from plant raw materials

Nature Management
  • 0
  • 6735
  • Pages: 245-249

Formation of active forms of oxygen in water solutions of salts of uranium at influence  of electromagnetic fields

Nature Management
  • 0
  • 6360
  • Pages: 249-258

Anisotropy of the tensile strength of the masonry in splitting

  • 0
  • 6157
  • Pages: 259-265

Contemporary tendencies of the development of technology of potential measurement  of underground metallic construction

  • 0
  • 6529
  • Pages: 265-273

Interactive lighting as a communication tool in architecture

  • 0
  • 6161
  • Pages: 273-276

Sufficient conditions for existence of free convection flow in vertical  narrow channels

  • 0
  • 6423
  • Pages: 276-282

Engineering-diagnostic inspection of build  objects of north-western TEC

  • 0
  • 6354
  • Pages: 282-287

Problems of interaction base and postgraduate pedagogical education: foreign experience

Educational issues
  • 0
  • 6478
  • Pages: 288-299

To history of professional education in Russia: Villim Ivanovich Gennin (1676–1750)

Educational issues
  • 0
  • 6499
  • Pages: 299-302

Modern engineering education as a basic element  of technological modernization of Russia

Educational issues
  • 0
  • 6448
  • Pages: 302-306