Year: 2013 Issue: 3 (178)
25445 285075

performance modeling of centrifugal compressors  with non-adiabatic compression process

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 409
  • 6551
  • Pages: 7-16


Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 500
  • 7137
  • Pages: 17-27

Steam flow stability in the rotor wheel  under the different stage inlet conditions

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 463
  • 6768
  • Pages: 28-31

Researh of influence of sealing on the efficiency of low flow rate LPI turbine stages

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 654
  • 7097
  • Pages: 32-42

Optimization of a control system for the ship’s two-machine a diesel engine-gear box unit working on the controllable pitch propeller

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 1036
  • 7595
  • Pages: 43-48

Investigation of hydrodynamic characteristics  of laminar flow fluid with transverse viscosity  in the convergent channel

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 405
  • 6883
  • Pages: 49-55

Heat pumps’ application  for energy efficiency rising of steam-power HPP

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 1633
  • 8796
  • Pages: 56-61

Numerical simulation of the heatmasstransfer processes in emergency situation at a storage for spent nuclear fuel

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 0
  • 6343
  • Pages: 62-70

Technical and economical problems  and prospects for the creation of underground nuclear power plants of medium and small power

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 917
  • 7360
  • Pages: 71-81

The resource for the bends of high-temperature steampipes

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 1119
  • 7557
  • Pages: 82-94

Steam reforming of hydrocarbons as a mеthod of chemical heat recovery

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 1118
  • 7574
  • Pages: 95-100

Develomment of wind energy in Ukraine and its status in Russia

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 1008
  • 7251
  • Pages: 101-109

Stability study of power grids based on structured approach

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 517
  • 6616
  • Pages: 110-117

On the diagnostics of transformer oil in service

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 516
  • 6614
  • Pages: 118-125

The analytical method for the analysis of dynamic processes in power transmission lines based on the method of state variables

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 652
  • 6857
  • Pages: 126-138

Analysis of the integral characteristics of the reliability of autonomous energy sources remote linear object UGSS

Energetics. Electrical engineering
  • 465
  • 6491
  • Pages: 139-147

Research of the sealing process under ultrasound exposure on the moistened powder field

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 445
  • 6886
  • Pages: 148-155

The influence of nano-sized tungsten carbide additive on the structure and properties  of sintered cementred carbide

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 1104
  • 8160
  • Pages: 156-162

Influence of structural microheterogeneity on development of dendrite segregation during crystallization of steel

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 407
  • 6675
  • Pages: 163-168

Al–Mg–Si alloys multistep age-hardening simulation

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 411
  • 6565
  • Pages: 169-175

Modeling of locally-nonequilibrium conditions at gas атомization of X12CrMoV steel

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 7
  • 5885
  • Pages: 175-182

The heat losses during plates rolling on the mill 5000.  Part 2: The heat loss during roughing rolling stage,  cooling stage, finish rolling stage

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 611
  • 6862
  • Pages: 183-192

Thermodynamics of interaction of iron oxides with hydrogen taking into account the changing of wustite composition with temperature

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 431
  • 6733
  • Pages: 193-198

Residual resource calculation of heat resisting stils durability

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 408
  • 6692
  • Pages: 199-205

Peculiarities of nitriding magnetically material Sm2Fe17

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 1074
  • 7595
  • Pages: 206-215

Dynamics of the recuperative mechanical stepless vehicle’s drive

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 286
  • 6234
  • Pages: 216-222

Experimental determination of coefficient  of rolling friction of poly-urethane solid tire

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 1963
  • 8890
  • Pages: 223-229

Adaptive chassis of the mobile robots

Metallurgy and materials technology. Mechanical engineering
  • 598
  • 6864
  • Pages: 230-237

The building minimum multitudes and investigation of stability on base method of low order

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 451
  • 6412
  • Pages: 238-243

Finite element modelling of forming steel’s preform under forging the elongated metal units in open stamps on KGSHP

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 427
  • 6627
  • Pages: 244-251

Filtration field and filtration capacity of single flow

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 485
  • 6685
  • Pages: 252-259

Optimum parametrical synthesis of conditions of dividing operations  of cold forming processes

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 384
  • 6551
  • Pages: 260-266

The modyfication of calculating methods integration

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 287
  • 6182
  • Pages: 267-271

Efficiency of the usage of the ground contact area of a caterpillar drive under conditions of transmitting the normal loads

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 387
  • 6483
  • Pages: 272-278

Vibration problems of foundations,  seismic resistance and strength of turbomachinery. Part 1

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 523
  • 6944
  • Pages: 279-286

Printing production quality evaluation:  measurement of tone increase parameters  of prints by reflectometric method

Mathematical Methods. Modeling. Experimental studies
  • 449
  • 6600
  • Pages: 287-293

Emission of contaminant from Gazprom’s gas-transport system

Nature Management
  • 866
  • 7346
  • Pages: 294-305

Influence redox environment on clean technology efficiency of toxic oil liquid waste

Nature Management
  • 658
  • 7218
  • Pages: 306-313

Regional municipal wastes management system

Nature Management
  • 359
  • 6614
  • Pages: 314-319

Problem issues of industrial safety

Technosphere Safety
  • 514
  • 7262
  • Pages: 320-324

Environmental safety during decommissioning of radioactive storages at the Mining and Chemical Combine reactor plant

Technosphere Safety
  • 494
  • 6620
  • Pages: 325-330